Enrollment and Policies > Participant Form & Liability Release Student name: Date of Birth: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Phone: Guardian Name/Relationship to student: Email address: Guardian Address: Guardian City, State, Zip Code: Guardian Phone: Program(s)/Services(s): Student Goals/Additional Information to Share: (optional) Payment Tuition/Fees/Packages/Per Diem Rate: Discounts & Proration: Other Funding Source: Amount Pending/Received: Scheduling Requests Please select days/times available: (if applicable) Monday AMTuesday AMWednesday AMThursday AMFriday AM Monday PMTuesday PMWednesday PMThursday PMFriday PM Dates unable to attend (tuition still applies unless excused absence): I have read the Program Policies. Would you like to be enrolled in our monthly newsletter? YesNo Photo/Video Release I DoDo Not consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by Carlisle Academy Integrative Therapy & Sports any and all photographs and any other audio/visual materials taken of for promotional material, educational activities, exhibitions of for any other use for the benefit of the program. Student/Guardian: Date: ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY This Release of Liability is made by and between Carlisle Academy Integrative Equine Therapy & Sports, LLC (hereinafter referred to as Provider), Nick & Sarah Armentrout (hereinafter referred to as Property Owner), Spring Creek Farm (hereinafter referred to as Host Facility), and Student (hereinafter designated as Student, and if Student is a minor, Student’s Legal Guardian) Student name Today's date Therefore, in consideration of the use, today and on all future dates, of the property, facilities and equipment of the Provider and Property Owner, their agents, successors, or assigns, the Student, his/her heirs, assigns, parents and legal representatives assume any and all risks involved in or arising from Student’s use of Provider’s services or presence on Property Owner’s property or facilities. The Student thereby waived and releases forever all claims for damages against instructors, therapists, apprentices, aides and/or employees, as well as the Property Owner and Host Facility and its family members, officers, employees, agents (including the insurance companies that insure both entities) and AGREES NOT TO SUE them on account of or in connection with any claims, causes of action, injuries, damages, costs or expenses Student may incur or sustain while receiving services from Carlisle Academy or on the premises of Spring Creek Farm. Student agrees to abide by all of Provider’s rules and regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended from time to time. For Nature-Based Activities: I fully understand and acknowledge that: (a) liabilities and dangers exist in my child(ren)’s use of Provider’s equipment and my child(ren)’s participation in Provider’s activities which may result in injury, illness, death or damage to personal property caused by other participants, by accidents, or by the forces of nature or other causes, (b) liabilities and dangers may arise from foreseeable or unforeseeable causes including, but not limited to, selection of trail route, water level, weather conditions, hazards and dangers that are integral to recreational activities that take place in an outdoor or recreational environment and I hereby accept and assume these liabilities and dangers for myself and on behalf of my child(ren) participating in such activities. For Farm-Based & Equine-Based Activities: I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the following statement of inherent risks in farm and equine activities and that I am participating despite the potential risks. STATEMENT OF INHERENT RISKS (Title 7 M.R.S.A. Sec. 4104A) Equine activities involve a degree of risk that can result in injury or even death, including, but not limited to, the following: The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around the equine; The unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, movements and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals; Certain hazards, such as surface or subsurface conditions; Collisions with other equines or objects; and The potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participantor others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or not acting within the participant’s ability Electronic Signature BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE THAT I AM OVER THE AGE OF 18 AND ARE AGREEING TO THE ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AS STATED ABOVE. I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS ABOVE. Electronic Signature: Please type your First and Last Name I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms. Electronic Signature of Parent or Guardian (if applicable): Please type your First and Last Name I, as Parent/Guardian, understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms.