2022 Brings Change

January 9, 2022

Dear Carlisle Academy Community,

Greetings and happy new year.

We are writing to share news of changes to our programs. After much reflection and deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to close Carlisle Academy’s Therapy Center as of December 31, 2021. The Therapy Center, which includes the part of our business providing equine-based therapeutic services (hippotherapy and adaptive riding), was first founded as Equest Therapeutic Riding Center in 1998, and later transitioned into Carlisle Academy Integrative Equine Therapy & Sports 10 years ago. It has been the heart and soul of our program for over two decades. These programs have been embraced and supported by the community, and most notably by the Carlisle Charitable Foundation, which has served our student body through generous scholarships season after season.

Now 24 years later, we find ourselves at a turning point in the life of the farm and are no longer in a position to provide and fuel the specialized resources required for equine therapeutic activities. The pandemic notwithstanding, sustaining programs such as these presents a unique set of challenges. While Carlisle Academy has taken on new ventures over time, delivering high-quality services to children and adults with special needs in an inclusive, holistic way has been our core mission since inception. The staff, horses, and volunteers have strived to keep care and compassion central to all activities, and hundreds of lives have been impacted by these programs. We are grateful for all of these moments, and particularly for all of you who have participated in or contributed to this transformational work, done together in community.

During this transition, we will be reaching out to our colleagues in the field to locate alternative hippotherapy and adaptive riding services for our students. The therapy horses will have a plan here or be transitioned to new homes in retirement.

Carlisle Academy is not closing its doors altogether. It will continue to provide traditional and para-equestrian sports education, wellness programs, and fieldwork opportunities. The Spring Creek Farm property will offer retreats and learning in this natural, life-giving setting.

Thank you for sharing this remarkable journey with us. With gratitude and best wishes for the coming year,

Sarah & Nick Armentrout
Co-Founders, Carlisle Academy


January 10, 2022

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