Enrollment and Policies > Participant Form Student name: Date of Birth: Address: Phone: Guardian Name/Relationship to student: Email address: Guardian Address: Guardian Phone: Program(s)/Services(s): Student Goals/Additional Information to Share: (optional) Payment Tuition/Fees/Packages/Per Diem Rate: Discounts & Proration: Other Funding Source: Amount Pending/Received: Scheduling Requests Please select days/times available: (if applicable) Monday AMTuesday AMWednesday AMThursday AMFriday AM Monday PMTuesday PMWednesday PMThursday PMFriday PM Dates unable to attend (tuition still applies unless excused absence): I have read the Program Policies. Would you like to be enrolled in our monthly newsletter? YesNo Photo/Video Release I DoDo Not consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by Carlisle Academy Integrative Therapy & Sports any and all photographs and any other audio/visual materials taken of for promotional material, educational activities, exhibitions of for any other use for the benefit of the program. Student/Guardian: Date: After you receive the confirmation message please complete the Release of Liability form. Release of Liability